The Engagement experience is generally very lengthy involving detailed RFP containing full itinerary of the high-level requirements. The problem with this is the requirements within the RFP are very high level, which can lead to high possibility critical elements missed from the scope. In later stages this can result in a scope that is missing those fine details, leading to the engagement terms being miss interpreted.
The outcome is usually unclear or not fit for purpose deliverables, resulting in scope creeps with the need for change requests more time and cost.
To solve this with SPEED the early stages process is different. During these stages no commercials or commitments are required until such a stage the detailed scope of work is agreed formalised through the template Key Decisions and Detailed Questionnaires. We respond to your RFP the same way as above , however with our method further details are required as described in the Key Decisions and Detailed Questionnaires in order to fine tune functionality. This has the benefit of being able to better align to your RFP which fundamentally takes place prior to scope agreed and commercials finalised.
The industry generally delivers your implementation and transformation using either Waterfall or Agile project delivery methods. With the variations of Waterfall or Agile on offer, the detail requirement and design generally to achieve your first build takes place in Workshops often resulting in 2-3 months of additional timeline cost. Following this, the build will likely consist of 3-4 iterations to reach the final build, each iteration being 2-3 months long before SMEs engagement is possible.
Our first build is delivered by tailoring the pre-built best-in-class Global Solution Set, which has best practice and standards built-in aiming to deliver within 2 weeks, once the Oracle SaaS environment has been provisioned. This results in the first build representing a much closer fit to the envisaged end product.
With each Key Decision & Detailed Question you are always provided with the solution set features and the recommendations. You are thoroughly guided both through the detail in the template and by us` when completing the Customer Decisions and Customer Answers, it’s always a comfortable engagement and this approach will empower you, is transparent and enriching.
The delivery with SPEED then continues to be refined through our delivery method with further templates through process flows based on the delivered solution set, which are engineered into pre-built decks to help with smoother interpretation of the solution demo and facilitating the gap-fit workshops to arrive at the end product with your SME’s engagement.
With our SPEED method for ERP Applications delivery each build iteration is one month long with expected three iterations to deliver the final build. We believe shortening the iterations to a much shorter timeline which we can with SPEED, brings the methodology much closer to the Agile method resulting in similar benefits with the impact of a more engaging, less waste, improved quality, continuous leverage, enriched culture and better experience delivery.
We estimate a timeline saving of between 50-60% build when compared to the other variation of delivery using Agile or Waterfall methods. This is due to our innovations and engineering together with significant templating with our SPEED methodology and Artefacts, resulting in much lower technical resources required from our side for delivery to significantly control and reduce the cost.
We very much hope to hear from you and discuss how we can help achieve your transformation goals by leveraging our SPEED methods and artefacts of delivering the Oracle Cloud Products.